Monday, October 21, 2013

10 Tips for a Happier Home, i.e., Full Love Cup!

  1. Kiss and hug more.  Often we get so busy that affection takes a back seat.  The time before school or trying to get out the door to a soccer game becomes the whole goal.  No one tries not to hug each other it’s just what happens when chaos is the order of the moment.  Find ways to remind yourself to give a hug or kiss.  Make it part of your day to hug your child or husband every time you get in the car to go somewhere.  Let moments in your days be your reminder for more affection.
  2. Say thank you more.  When we live in a family we get to the point where we just expect them to do what we ask.  Gone is the polite please or thank you. “People should do what they are asked,” is what goes through our mind.  The sweet words of please and thank you creates more kindness and less snapping.
  3. Listen first.  We’ve all heard the saying that we’ve been given two ears and only one mouth so that we could listen twice as much as we talk.  Practice listening when you’re tempted to talk, nag, nitpick, or give un-asked-for advice or lectures.  Stop.  Look.  Listen.
  4. Ask questions first.  It can be easy to jump to conclusions…to walk into a room and know immediately what happened…to make snap judgements believing you already know what’s taken place.  Asking more questions first gives an opportunity to think before acting.
  5. Be right less.  Being proved wrong typically doesn’t convert anyone to your ideas.  Usually, it just makes them want to listen to you less and be against whatever you’re asking them to do.  Instead of wanting to be right make it a goal to be kind.
  6. Cut something out of your life.  Stress can come into play when we have too much in our lives.  Consider whether there may be something that you could take off your calendar or eliminate or say no to in order to create more space and less stress.
  7. Have more fun.  As parents we are more inclined to do what needs to be done and leave the fun for later.  Sometimes that means the fun doesn’t happen.  Fun is super important for your family’s and children’s well being.  Having fun together makes room for trust and important conversations in a more casual atmosphere.  Fun also relieves stress for everyone.  When we get to laugh together it makes the chemicals in our brains happier.  Where can you work some fun into your life?  Play a game like I SPY while you wait in the car rider line.  Fit fun into the details of your life.
  8. Pray together.  Studies show that families who pray together stay together.  Praying helps couples fight less, forgive easier, and talk more openly.  Decide on a schedule that work’s for you as a couple and for your family.  Try it out for two weeks and notice the difference that it makes.
  9. Laugh more.  Laughing is a great stress reliever for you individually but it can also do wonders for your family.  It contributes to the overall health of your personal life which has a direct affect on your family life, too.  Look for opportunities to laugh at stressful situations and to see the humorous side of everyday life.
  10. Add flowers.  I know this one seems like it’s a bit random.  Most of us are visual people.  The things we see can affect how we feel.  Flowers (or bringing the outdoors indoors) can just make you smile or feel like your home is a happier place.  Try it.  See how you feel.


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