Wednesday, March 13, 2013

"I don't know what to daughter leaves her clothes all over the place

A snippet from a one-on-one with the mom of an 8 year old little girl.
"I don't know what to daughter leaves her clothes all over the place...I've tried everything.." she said.
"So, does she leave them on the floor, after she gets home from school and changes so that the clean ones get mixed up with the dirty ones?", I asked.
"No....", she said.
"OK, so does she leave her clothes on the floor at night when she goes to bed?"
"No....", she said.
"OK, so does she leave her pajamas on the floor in the morning?"
"No....", she said, "OK, the morning she takes out 4 outfits, lays them on the bed, chooses one and leaves the other 3 on the bed."
"oh.... OK, and when would you like those clothes put away...before she gets in bed, or do you want her to run upstairs the second she gets home to put them away before she eats a snack, or...."
She laughed, "no...she can eat a snack...."
"OK, so an hour after she gets home?"
"Yeah....that sounds good..."
"OK....we're making progress!!!  :)  now we know what you want!

Being able to tell our kids what we want them to do, starts with figuring out what we want.   This little girl agreed to not being able to wear her favorite jacket to school the next day...if she forgot.  She would not like that she said.  Oh, and this little girl happens to have a one hour sand hourglass which she will "start" when she gets home.


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