Thursday, December 18, 2014

Do you know the answer to this question?

Our kids' behavior is like the tip of an iceberg - it is the only thing that is visible to us.  What we are not able to see, however, are their feelings.  We have no idea how they feel or more specifically if they "feel" loved.  We, parents, know we love them, but the million dollar question is: do they "feel" loved?

That is why when your teen, for example, is moody and sensitive and/or angry, instead of allowing his/her behavior to dictate how you respond, learn to identify the real problem - an empty LoveCup - and ask them these two things:
1.  Wait a's you LoveCup?
2.  Is there one thing I can do to fill it up a little?

Beware:  Your kids may do what mine did and start using it on you!

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