Saturday, July 21, 2012

Before class started the other day, I was talking to a 12 year old girl and her mom.  (Yes…..she brought her daughter to the class!  I love when both parents and child hear the same thing!)  The week before I had shared the LoveCup concept so I asked the mom if she had used it and if she could tell me about it.  She said she had used it with the 3 year old and that things had improved, but that she had not gotten herself to use it on her 12 year old daughter and she laughed nervously.   I said, “why don’t we ask her right now?”  I turned to the daughter and asked, “so…how’s your Lovecup?”  She said “to here” and pointed to her stomach.  I said, “oh, so it’s about half full?”  I told the mom, “ah ha! That means you have to fill it up when you get home!”  The mom said something that let me know she didn’t know where to start, so I asked the daughter: “what is something your mom could do that would fill it up?”  She said, “bake cupcakes with me.”  The mom then said, “she always wants to make cookies, but they have too much sugar”.  Her husband had just joined us and he chimed in by pointing out that here the daughter was telling her exactly how to fill her Lovecup and she was dismissing it and making an excuse that didn’t even make sense.  I told the mom that if I was the kid what would really fill my Lovecup was if I got a commitment on a timeframe for when we would make the cupcakes.  She then giggled and said, “ok, we’ll see….I guess we can make cupcakes…. if there’s enough time”.  I told her if I was the kid, that would empty my Lovecup because there is never enough time, other things always come up.  I told her that for my Lovecup to be filled, I’d need to hear something like “ok, we can make cupcakes, but I can’t go shopping to get what we need until Friday, but we’ll make them on Saturday.”   

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